WARP Warp: One of the two basic components used in weaving which transforms thread or yarns to a piece of fabric. The warp is the set of yarns stretched longitudinally in place on a loom before the weft Weft: one of the two basic components used in weaving that transforms thread or yarns into a piece of fabric. It is the crosswise thread on a loom that is passed over and under the warp threads. is introduced during the weaving process. - Weave A Real Peace X THE ZAY Zay: (Arabic: costume, Pl. azyaā’), a set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period. INITIATIVE
Date: 16th April 2022
Organized by Weave A Real Peace (WARP Warp: One of the two basic components used in weaving which transforms thread or yarns to a piece of fabric. The warp is the set of yarns stretched longitudinally in place on a loom before the weft Weft: one of the two basic components used in weaving that transforms thread or yarns into a piece of fabric. It is the crosswise thread on a loom that is passed over and under the warp threads. is introduced during the weaving process. ) @weavearealpeace_ panel discussion representing cultures spanning millennia and a significant part of the globe, our speakers spoke about the richness of Arab culture as shown through its textiles.
Wafa Ghnaim is a Palestinian-American artist, researcher, writer, educator, and businesswoman. Textile archaeologist, Dr. Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood is the director of the Textile Research Centre. Dr. Reem El Mutwalli, founder of The Zay Zay: (Arabic: costume, Pl. azyaā’), a set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period. Initiative, Lead Curator of the Women’s Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, is a published author, curator, and public speaker.
The panel was moderated by WARP Warp: One of the two basic components used in weaving which transforms thread or yarns to a piece of fabric. The warp is the set of yarns stretched longitudinally in place on a loom before the weft Weft: one of the two basic components used in weaving that transforms thread or yarns into a piece of fabric. It is the crosswise thread on a loom that is passed over and under the warp threads. is introduced during the weaving process. member Judi Jetson, a weaver and a leader in the well-researched promotion of craft, particularly textiles.